
As a USA-based company, we firmly commit to not utilizing, disclosing, or selling your data in any manner. We prioritize your privacy and security above all else.

Registration and Access Requirements

To access and use the services provided by My AI Solutions, you must be at least 18 years old and capable of entering into a legally binding agreement. If you’re using the services on behalf of another individual or entity, you need to have the authorization to agree to these Terms on their behalf. When registering for an account, it’s essential to provide information that is both accurate and complete. It’s important to keep your access credentials confidential and not share them with individuals outside of your organization. You will be held responsible for any activities conducted under your account.

Usage Requirements

(a) Terms of Service Usage: As a user of My AI Solutions, you are granted a non-exclusive privilege to access and utilize our services, strictly adhering to the guidelines outlined in these Terms. It is imperative to follow all applicable laws and these Terms while using our services. Please be aware that My AI Solutions and our affiliates retain all legal rights, ownership, and interest in the services we provide.

(b) Feedback and Suggestions: We highly value and welcome your feedback, comments, ideas, proposals, and suggestions for enhancements. By providing any feedback, you acknowledge that we have the freedom to use it without any restrictions or obligations to offer compensation to you.

(c) Usage Restrictions: When using our services, there are certain restrictions you must adhere to. These include: (i) Avoiding any use of the services that infringes, misappropriates, or violates the rights of others. (ii) Not engaging in reverse assembling, reverse compiling, decompiling, translating, or attempting to uncover the source code or underlying components of the models, algorithms, and systems, except where such actions are permissible by law. (iii) Refraining from using our services to develop foundation models or large-scale models that are in direct competition with My AI Solutions. (iv) Not employing any methods to extract data from our services, like web scraping or harvesting, other than those allowed through our API. (v) Ensuring that outputs from the services are not misrepresented as human-generated when they are not. (vi) Abstaining from buying, selling, or transferring API keys without our explicit prior consent. You must also comply with any rate limits and other requirements specified in our documentation. Use of our services is limited to the geographical areas currently supported by My AI Solutions.

(d) Third-Party Services: In the event you use third-party software, services, or products in conjunction with our services, be aware that these are governed by their respective terms and conditions. My AI Solutions does not bear responsibility for any third-party products or their compliance.

Confidentiality, Security, and Data Protection

(a) Handling of Confidential Information: In your interactions with My AI Solutions, you may have access to confidential information belonging to My AI Solutions, its affiliates, and other third parties. This Confidential Information should be used exclusively for the purpose of utilizing the Services as permitted under these Terms. It is crucial that you do not disclose this Confidential Information to any third party. You are expected to safeguard Confidential Information with the same level of care as you would for your own similar confidential information, employing at least a reasonable degree of care. Confidential Information encompasses nonpublic data that My AI Solutions, its affiliates, or third parties classify as confidential or that reasonably should be considered confidential given the circumstances. This includes software, specifications, and other sensitive business information. However, Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) becomes public knowledge through no fault of yours; (ii) was already in your possession free of any confidentiality obligations at the time you received it under these Terms; (iii) is lawfully obtained from a third party who is not bound by confidentiality obligations; (iv) is independently developed by you without using any Confidential Information. In cases where you are legally required to disclose Confidential Information due to a court order or governmental directive, you must first provide reasonable written notice to My AI Solutions and exert efforts to limit the disclosure’s extent, including assisting in any challenges to such disclosure, where feasible.

(b) Security Measures: You are responsible for implementing adequate and appropriate measures to ensure the security of your access to and use of the Services. Should you identify any vulnerabilities or breaches in connection with your use of the Services, it is imperative to promptly inform My AI Solutions and provide comprehensive details of the issue.

(c) Processing Personal Data: In instances where your use of the Services involves processing personal data, it is your responsibility to issue proper privacy notices and secure the necessary consents for such data processing. You declare to us that your handling of this data is in compliance with relevant laws. If you are subject to GDPR or CCPA regulations and intend to use My AI Solutions for processing ‘personal data’ as defined by the GDPR or ‘Personal Information’ under the CCPA, please reach out to finalize our Data Processing Addendum.


(a) Your Contribution to the Content: When you interact with My AI Solutions, you may provide inputs (“Input”) to our Services and receive corresponding outputs (“Output”) based on your Input. Both Input and Output are collectively referred to as “Content.” You hold responsibility for this Content, ensuring it complies with applicable laws and these Terms. You affirm that you possess all necessary rights, licenses, and permissions required to submit Input to our Services.

(b) Content Ownership: Regarding ownership of Content, to the extent allowable by law, the following applies: (a) You maintain your ownership rights over the Input. (b) You gain ownership of the Output. My AI Solutions assigns to you all our rights, interests, and titles in the Output, if any.

(c) Nature of Content: Due to the inherent characteristics of our Services and artificial intelligence as a field, the Output generated may not be unique. Other users may receive Output similar to yours. Our assignment of rights to you does not cover Output generated for other users or any third-party Output.

(d) Usage of Content by My AI Solutions: We may utilize the Content for various purposes such as enhancing and maintaining our Services, adhering to legal requirements, enforcing our terms and policies, and ensuring the safety of our Services.

(e) Opt-Out Option: If you prefer that we do not use your Content for training our models, you have the option to opt-out. Instructions for this are available in our Help Center article. Be aware that opting out might limit our Services’ ability to tailor solutions specifically for your use case.

(f) Accuracy and Reliability: The fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning are continuously evolving. We are dedicated to improving our Services for greater accuracy, reliability, safety, and utility. However, due to the probabilistic nature of machine learning, the Output from our Services may not always accurately represent real individuals, places, or factual data.

By using our Services, you acknowledge and agree that:

(i) Output may not always be precise or accurate. It is advisable not to solely rely on the Output from our Services for factual information or as a substitute for professional judgment. (ii) It is your responsibility to assess the accuracy and suitability of the Output for your specific needs, including conducting human review where necessary, before utilizing or distributing the Output from the Services. (iii) You must refrain from using any Output pertaining to an individual for purposes that could significantly impact that person, such as in decisions related to credit, education, employment, housing, insurance, legal matters, medical care, or other crucial judgments. (iv) The Services may produce Output that is incomplete, incorrect, or offensive and does not reflect the views of My AI Solutions. Additionally, if the Output refers to any third-party products or services, it does not imply endorsement or affiliation with My AI Solutions.


(a) Payment Terms: For the services you use from My AI Solutions, you agree to pay all applicable fees (“Fees”) as stated on the relevant pricing page or as mutually agreed in writing. We reserve the right to correct any pricing errors or mistakes, even after invoicing or receiving payment. You must provide accurate billing information, including a valid and authorized payment method. We will charge your payment method periodically as agreed, although the specific charging date may be subject to reasonable changes. By using our services, you authorize My AI Solutions, its affiliates, and our designated third-party payment processors to charge the Fees to your payment method. If a payment fails, we will notify you in writing and may suspend your access to the Services until the payment is made. Fees, payable in U.S. dollars, are due upon invoice and are nonrefundable, except as explicitly stated in this Agreement.

(b) Tax Responsibilities: Unless specified otherwise, Fees do not include any taxes, duties, or similar assessments (“Taxes”). You are responsible for all Taxes related to your purchases, except for those based on our net income. We may bill you for these Taxes, and you agree to pay them promptly and provide necessary documentation of payment or any additional information we may reasonably request. For tax purposes, the name and address in your account registration are used as the place of supply, so it’s important to keep this information current and accurate.

(c) Changes in Pricing: We may adjust our prices, which will be communicated via your account and/or our website. Price increases become effective 14 days after posting, except for those due to legal reasons or changes to Beta Services (as defined in our Service Terms), which are effective immediately. Any price changes will apply to the Fees for your account from the effective date of these changes.

(d) Dispute Resolution and Late Payments: If you wish to dispute any Fees or Taxes, please contact us within 30 days of the invoice date. Late payments on undisputed amounts may incur a finance charge of 1.5% per month on the unpaid balance. We may suspend your access to the Services for any overdue Fees, following written notification of the late payment.

(e) Usage of the Free Tier: The free tier of our Services is limited to one account per user. Misuse or exploitation of the free tier, in our judgment, may result in standard fees being charged or termination of access to the Services.

Limitations on Liability

(a) Indemnification Obligations: As a user of My AI Solutions’ services, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless My AI Solutions, its affiliates, and their respective personnel against any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees) that may arise from or in connection with your use of our Services. This includes responsibilities related to your Content, any products or services you develop or offer in conjunction with our Services, and any breach of these Terms or violations of applicable law. This indemnification covers, without limitation, any claim alleging facts that, if true, would constitute a breach of these Terms by you and includes situations where you have been negligent or have engaged in willful misconduct in your use of our Services.

(b) Disclaimer of Warranties: My AI Solutions provides its Services on an “AS IS” basis. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, neither My AI Solutions nor its affiliates and licensors make any representations or warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise, regarding the Services. This includes, but is not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, satisfactory quality, non-infringement, and quiet enjoyment, and any warranties arising out of any course of dealing, usage, or trade practice. We do not warrant that the Services will function without interruptions, be error-free, or that the content, including your Content, will be secure, or not be lost or altered. You acknowledge that reliance on any aspect of the Services is at your own risk.

(c) Limitation of Liability: In no event will My AI Solutions, our affiliates, or our licensors be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, regardless of the type of claim or the nature of the cause of action, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses. This applies even if we have been advised or should have known of the possibility of such damages. In addition, our aggregate liability under these Terms will not exceed the greater of the amount you paid to us for the Services that are the subject of the claim in the 12 months preceding the occurrence of the liability, or one hundred dollars ($100). These limitations apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and shall survive any termination or expiration of these Terms or your use of our Services. This limitation of liability is fundamental to the agreement between you and My AI Solutions and the Services would not be provided without such limitations.


If you are representing a business or organization and using our Services in that capacity, you are required to adhere to a specific set of legal responsibilities, particularly in the area of indemnification, as allowed by applicable law. This section outlines these responsibilities in greater detail for My AI Solutions:

  1. Scope of Indemnification: You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless My AI Solutions, its affiliates, and their respective personnel from any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from or in any way related to your use of the Services. This indemnification extends to any actions or omissions by you or your organization that might give rise to such claims.
  2. Covered Claims: The types of third-party claims covered under this indemnification include, but are not limited to:
    • Claims alleging that your use of the Services has infringed upon, misappropriated, or violated the intellectual property rights, privacy rights, or any other rights of a third party.
    • Claims arising from your breach of these Terms, including any representations, warranties, or covenants contained herein.
    • Claims stemming from any product or service developed or offered by your business or organization in connection with the Services.
    • Claims resulting from any unauthorized or improper use of the Services by you or anyone using your account.
  3. Process of Defense and Settlement: In the event of a claim that is subject to indemnification under these Terms, My AI Solutions will provide you with prompt written notice of the claim. You will have the right to control the defense and settlement of the claim, subject to My AI Solutions’s right to participate with counsel of its own choosing. Furthermore, you may not settle any claim in a manner that admits fault or wrongdoing on the part of My AI Solutions without My AI Solutions’s express written consent.
  4. Coverage of Expenses: The indemnification you provide includes all reasonable legal fees and other expenses incurred by My AI Solutions and its affiliates in connection with the defense against these third-party claims. It is your responsibility to cover these costs, even if the claims are ultimately found to be without merit.
  5. Limitations: While this indemnification is broad, it is subject to the limits of applicable law. In some jurisdictions, certain indemnifications may not apply or may be limited in scope.

By agreeing to these Terms, you are accepting these responsibilities as a fundamental part of the agreement between your business or organization and My AI Solutions, recognizing the potential risks and liabilities that can arise from the use of advanced AI services. This indemnification is designed to protect My AI Solutions and its affiliates from costs and damages that could arise from your actions or from the nature of the services provided.

General Terms

(a) Nature of Relationship: These Terms do not establish a partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between you and My AI Solutions or any of My AI Solutions’ affiliates. Both My AI Solutions and you act as independent contractors. Consequently, neither party has the authority to bind the other or incur obligations on behalf of the other without prior written consent.

(b) Brand Usage: You are prohibited from using the names, logos, or trademarks of My AI Solutions or any of its affiliates without our explicit prior written consent.

(c) U.S. Federal Agency Usage: The Services provided by My AI Solutions were developed entirely at private expense and are classified as commercial computer software and related documentation, as defined under applicable U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation and relevant agency supplements.

(d) Assignment and Delegation: Your rights and obligations under these Terms are not assignable or delegable, especially in connection with a change of control. Any attempt to assign or delegate these rights and obligations will be null and void. My AI Solutions, however, may assign these Terms in cases of mergers, acquisitions, sales of substantially all assets, to an affiliate, or as part of a corporate reorganization.

(e) Modifications to Terms: My AI Solutions reserves the right to amend these Terms periodically. Amendments will be posted on our website. In cases where an update materially affects your rights or obligations, we will notify you via email associated with your account or through an in-product notification. Changes take effect no sooner than 30 days after notification. All other changes are effective immediately. Your continued use of the Services following any change indicates your acceptance of the new Terms.

(f) Notices: All notices under these Terms must be in writing. We may provide notices to you using the registration information you provided or the email associated with your use of the Services. Notices are considered delivered on the date of receipt if sent by email, or on the date sent via courier if delivered by post. My AI Solutions accepts service of process at the following address: My AI Solutions, L.L.C., [Address], Attn:

(g) Waiver and Severability: Failure by My AI Solutions to enforce any rights under these Terms does not constitute a waiver of those rights. If any part of these Terms is found invalid or unenforceable by a competent court, that term will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and it will not affect the enforceability of the other terms.

(h) Export Controls: You agree not to use the Services in, or for the benefit of, any U.S. embargoed countries or to any individuals or entities on restricted party lists including the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals, and other restricted party lists identified by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, or the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Persons List or Entity List. You represent and warrant that you are not located in any such embargoed countries or on any such restricted party lists and will comply with all applicable laws related to these restrictions.

(i) Equitable Remedies: You acknowledge that violations or breaches of these Terms may cause irreparable harm to My AI Solutions and its affiliates. In such cases, My AI Solutions shall have the right to seek injunctive relief against you, in addition to any other legal remedies.

(j) Entire Agreement: These Terms, along with any policies incorporated herein, constitute the entire agreement between you and My AI Solutions regarding the use of the Services and supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings on that subject.

(k) Jurisdiction and Applicable Law: These Terms are governed by the laws of Texas, excluding conflict of law principles. All claims arising out of or relating to these Terms will be litigated exclusively in the federal or state courts of Hidalgo County, Texas, USA.

Trade Controls: You are responsible for complying with all applicable trade laws, including sanctions and export control laws. Our Services must not be used in, exported, or re-exported to (a) any U.S. embargoed country or territory or (b) any individual or entity barred under applicable trade laws. Furthermore, you must not use our Services for any prohibited end use, and your Input must not include any materials or information that requires a government license for release or export.